Looking For Alaska [DVD] [3-DISC SET] [2019]

Seaview Square Cinema

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Teenager Miles enrolls in boarding school to try to gain a deeper perspective on life. After an unexpected tragedy, Miles and his friends try to make sense of what they have been through.


Product Details


Actor(s):  Denny LoveCharlie PlummerKristine Froseth

Writer(s):  N/A

Director(s):  N/A

Format: DVD, Widescreen

Language: English

Region: 1 (USA) NTSC

Aspect Ratio:  1.78:1 (16:9 SD-Standard Definition 480p)

Color:  Color (SD)

Runtime:  7 hrs and 5 mins ( 425 mins USA)

Sound Mix:  5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound

Number of discs: 3

Rated:  TV-MA

Studio:  Paramount

Release Date:  October 19, 2019 

This product was added to our catalog on Friday, June 18, 2021






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